Wednesday 26 August 2015

3 Deadly PPC Mistakes

Many doctors want to get more clients by using plastic surgery PPC (pay per click) advertising campaigns. However, many of them are guilty of making three mistakes that sabotage their medical marketing campaigns. Please do not do these three things! 

#1 Irrelevant Ads

When you or your healthcare marketing agency design your ads, be positive that the ads are 100% relevant to the landing page and its keywords. Making the ad relevant will boost the quality score and the click throughs the ads get. A higher quality score means you pay less for every click, and this means better ROI!

#2 No Call To Action

Every plastic surgery PPC ad must include a strong call to action. However, this often is lacking in many pay per click campaigns. Sometimes the wrong call to action is used; if you want your viewer to contact your office for a consultation, you might use “Call Our Office Now.” 

Never underestimate the power of the call to action. Using the right phrase can trigger a contact or purchase decision. 

#3 No Testing

You should have at least three versions of the PPC ad running. Test new ads each month so that you are always improving your click through rate. Also, many plastic surgeons fail to update the ads each month. So, the messaging may be out of date. 

Elements that you test should include display URLs, descriptions and calls to action. It is a good idea to test new messaging: promotions, benefits and prices. 

Contact Us to Learn More About Plastic Surgery SEO and Doctor SEO

MD Marketing Experts is your all in one shop for plastic surgeon PPC, plastic surgery SEO, SEO for doctors, and PPC for doctors. You will be put in touch with a personal account manager who will take the time to understand you and your practice. With our extensive healthcare, sales, and medical marketing knowledge we can provide all the solutions to increase your bottom line. We want to take your practice to the next level, so give MD Marketing Experts a call at 888-428-7999 now. We’re excited to work with you!

Tuesday 25 August 2015

3 SEO Myths for Surgeons

Search engine optimization has been around for many years, and in that time, some myths about it constantly crop up. Have you heard any of the myths below? If so, discard them from your mind!

#1 SEO Is Ineffective

45% of all customers use a search engine before they make a purchase or decision to see a health care professional. This should not be a big shock: Search is the #4 activity on the Internet after email, social media and video.

Much of the traffic you get from plastic surgery SEO converts. Statistics show that 57% of B2B marketers say that SEO has the largest effect on generating leads.

#2 SEO Costs Too Much

A good plastic surgery SEO company is being paid to do some fairly complex tasks:

• Researching your medical field, market and trends

• Conducting competitive research to see what other medical professionals are doing in SEO

• Finding plastic surgery, and health care keywords that can bring the best traffic

• Actually optimizing your plastic surgery website so that you get the most traffic

• Link building

• Monitoring your SEO results

Remember, good SEO will produce results long after the project is done. See how low your plastic surgery PPC campaign produces after you stop funding it!

#3 I Don’t Need SEO – I’m a Traditional Business

An astounding 80% of consumers in the US look at online reviews before making a purchase or committing to a health care professional. And 86% of Americans got online daily last year. Not promoting yourself online is a huge missed opportunity.

Contact Us to Learn More about Plastic Surgery SEO and Doctor SEO

MD Marketing Experts is your all in one shop for plastic surgeon SEO, SEO for doctors, and PPC for doctors. You will be put in touch with a personal account manager who will take the time to understand you and your practice. With our extensive healthcare, sales, and medical marketing knowledge we can provide all the solutions to increase your bottom line. We want to take your practice to the next level, so give MD Marketing Experts a call at 888-428-7999 now. We’re excited to work with you!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

4 Healthcare Marketing Myths to Ignore

We are in the health care profession, so naturally, we need to market our services to find new business. However, there are some myths about health care marketing that we would like to dispel here: 

#1 It Is Immoral To Market in Health Care

This myth comes from the belief that advertising your health care services is about influencing patients with misleading or biased information. That is what happens in some marketing campaigns in other industries. Many of those advertisers just want to sell the product and do not have the consumer’s interests at heart. 

This is not how it is or should be in health care marketing. We use marketing in our industry to have an informative conversation with potential patients. Our efforts are about providing patients with understandable answers on complex medical subjects. With effective healthcare marketing, our goal is to just inform your potential patients with highly valuable blog posts and other premium content. Once they have that information, they will then be able to make an informed choice on the best person to serve their medical needs. 

#2 Health Care Marketing Wastes Money

People with expensive healthcare costs wonder if the hospital or provider would reduce their costs, maybe the bill would be less. Many people think that the money used for marketing could be used to lower appointment costs, buy new equipment or do more clinical studies. 

This is understandable, but in reality, the Internet has driven down the costs of health care marketing a great deal. A health care practice no longer needs to devote large sums to marketing every year for new patients. 

While you can pay a lot on expensive Plastic surgery PPC campaigns, social media is mostly free. Blogging through a healthcare marketing agency is actually a very affordable way to inform potential patients and to make the first contact. 

#3 Health Care Marketing Takes too Much Time

Medical practices and hospitals do have many vital tasks each day that involve taking care of patients. Running a good marketing campaign in your office can indeed take some time, but with the many tools and services and providers now available, this time can be really minimized.
Actually, a lot of criticism of healthcare marketing involves the old-school methods of TV commercials and billboards. Modern, effective, Internet marketing in healthcare allows you to increase your patient load without much additional effort. A lot of it can be done on autopilot by you and the company that you work with. 

Your healthcare marketing agency can work with you to come up with informative posts on topics that will drive more clients to your health care practice. 

#4 I Don’t Need to Market for Patients

Referrals are an excellent way to gain new patients. However, this paradigm has changed a lot in recent years. Bigger hospitals and health systems are absorbing more primary care offices, so the referral dependence may come back to haunt you. Once practices are part of the bigger health care system in the area, all the referrals are going to stay inside that network. 

Example: If 60% of patients come from referrals from 10 other doctors, what will happen if four of them join a big health care system? This means that 40% of your patient volume will dry up.
This is why having a good health care marketing strategy online can help you to keep you appointment schedule full. 

As the health care economy continues to evolve, you will definitely want to be regularly marketing online for new patients. Just do not pay attention to the marketing myths above and you will be well ahead of the game.

Monday 3 August 2015

4Tips for Social Media Brand Building for Doctors

Social media can be a powerful tool for physicians. It can help doctors to disseminate important medical information to patients. It also can provide doctors with greater visibility, which can lead to a better reputation and more business over time. 

To get the most out of your social media experience for doctors, try out some of our tips below. 

#1 Don’t Communicate With Patients on Social Media

This of course is a gross HIPAA violation and is courting disaster on many fronts. However, you can use social media to educate your patients. They can follow your practice on social media to get more information about medical conditions, office hours, etc.

#2 How to Use Twitter to Grow Professional Connections

Twitter can be used to get your practice better known, and also to connect with other medical professionals. Patients also can follow you on Twitter. Of course, providing medical information of any value is difficult in a mere 140 characters J

Next, choose your Twitter followers with caution. Block people who engage in spam or trolling. Many Twitter users will try to sell you products and services. 

You can use Twitter to grow your network. Try to set up a group of patients and/or medical professionals to whom you can tweet regular, important messages. The idea is to provide them with useful content that they will share with other users. 

Be very mindful of your words on Twitter. A rude post can be retweeted far and wide. Never lose your temper with anyone. If someone is trolling your feed for a reaction, ignore them. Some medical professionals actually will troll other doctors’ feeds, if you advocate something that they disagree with. It is best to ignore them. 

Be sure to retweet good articles from high profile sources, such as CDC or WHO. This makes people see you as a trusted source of information in time. 

#3 Use Facebook to Deliver Patient Education

Because Facebook has no character or word limits, it is a better social media platform for providing education to patients. Ask your patients to follow you or to like your medical practice on FB. 

Remember that you can create several pages on Facebook under one account. You might have a personal FB page, but also have a practice page and a personal professional FB page. 

Also keep in mind that Facebook is VERY public. Never post anything on Facebook that you would not want to be known by the public. And Facebook posts live forever, so watch your words carefully. 

#4 Linkedin Can Strengthen Career Connections

Linkedin is very good for building your career and professional connections. Think of it as an online resume and professional networking tool. Try to connect with other medical professionals in your area on Linkedin, and share important medical information with them from trusted sources. 

Clearly, social media has many benefits for medical professionals. Generally though, doctors really are not using social media to their full advantage. By using the social media platforms above, you really can build your brand, reputation and practice over the years. 

MD Marketing Experts, the best medical marketing agency offers Social Media for Doctors to build online visibility and engage new patients/customers to services.